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Ursula White

Hello again; I found this article very informative.
I am publishing a diary on my blog which tells the story of a short tour of Germany by a British band in 47. I am also continuing my own reminiscences.

Bob Conner

Horrocks was a member of the Emsworth Sailing Club on the south coast of England, and lived nearby in his retirement years.

Chris Knowles

Did you meet him and if so, did he ever talk about his time in Germany?

Mrs carpenter

Hi, Just to say that my Dad who is 93 stills tells a few stories of when he used to drive for Gen Horrocks during the 2nd World War

Bridget Colman

He is responsible for introducing my parents - my mother a nurse, and my father a UK expat doing military service in Canada. My father spoke very highly of him. An article in the newspaper (1963)read "Black Rod plays cupid."

justin horrocks

He is my great great grandfather. Im currently in the u.s. Army and hope to follow his lead.

Alastair Cuthbert

I wrote to him in 1979 whilst doing a history project at school and he sent back a handwritten letter talking about his experiences in Germany - I still have it. Sadly he died fairly soon afterwards.

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