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Thoughtful and interesting, as ever. So very very difficult, even today, to have a clear picture of the 'right' way for cultures/religions to interact.
We all know our own tribe pretty well, but there are catastrophic misunderstandings between tribal outlooks. (Don't need to tell you that!)
The current hideous xenophobia about the Islamic center in lower Manhattan is a case in point.
I'm reading Edmund deWaal's "Hare with Amber Eyes" and exactly the same rhetoric was being used in 1930's Austria......except against the Jews who were, apparently, all set to take over the world.
I have lots of English friends who grew up in different parts of Africa -SA, Rhodesia, Kenya, Tanganika (spelling?) etc.
Such a continent for tales.
A friend sent to a boarding school in Kenya (aged 3) to be surrounded by barbed wire to prevent Mau-mau attacks.......but then WE didn't behave very well either. Anyway, I follow your postings with great interest from New York.

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