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They weren't revolutionary socialists - Fabianism is a type of parliamentary socialism. Interesting though

Chris Knowles

It's quite correct that Fabians were parliamentary socialists, but before the war both Albu and Flanders, and the groups they were associated with - Neu Beginnen and the ISK - believed in the need for a socialist revolution, though not necessarily by violent means.

In Germany, after Hitler seized power in 1933, they believed the Nazis could only be defeated through violence, with the help of the Allies if necessary.

In Britain the situation was different and they believed it was possible to achieve socialism (or the ISK's 'just state') by peaceful means, through working within existing organisations - such as the Fabians or the Labour Party - and changing them from within.

This was a classic 'entryist' strategy, with a revolutionary elite or 'Leninist' cadre gaining power though infiltrating existing organisations.

After 1945 Neu Beginnen and the ISK were dissolved and their former members joined the SPD (Social Democrats) in Germany and the Labour Party in Britain. They came to accept parliamentary democracy as the best way to achieve socialism (and far better, so they believed, than a communist one party state or a 'dictatorship of the proletariat').

Before 1945, the ISK had been firmly opposed to any form of democracy, believing that voters acted emotionally, in accordance with their own personal vested intersts, instead of rationally in the best interest of all. They believed that the best way to make decisions was for this to be done by an educated elite, who were ethically trained and could be trusted to ignore their personal advantage, and do whatever was best for all.


Ah, I understand now, thank you!

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