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Maurice McKee

I have just read this article and am amazed. EHD Grimley was my father, although I only learned this a few years ago. I am in contact with his widow Barbara, a German whose sister was his secretary in Neustadt. I have his own drawing entitled "I always come back to my window"!

Chris Knowles

I have now heard from one of Colonel Grimley's nephews, who is German. EHD Grimley married the sister of his German interpreter, who worked for him from 1949-1951. He and his wife moved to Cheltenham in 1953 and lived there until he died in 1969. His wife still lives there although unfortunately she is now quite frail. His former interpreter, his wife's sister, is also still alive and lives in Germany. Her sons travel to Cheltenham regularly to visit their aunt and look after her. One of his nephews, who was born in 1943, emailed me to say he remembered his 'Uncle Eric' well and he was a very friendly man. As well as hunting, he was an excellent tennis player and used to play at the local German club. Although he was 50 years old at the time he could still beat the young men playing there, until they learnt his technique from him and eventually managed to beat him.

Hans Martin Moxnes

Hi, you are of course aware of Col Grimley's book about his stay in Norway in 1945? It is written under the pseudonym Jeremy Hope and is called Interlude in Norway. It is published, in english, by a Norwegian publisher in 1946.

Roger Charles Grimley

Is there any more information on Eric

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